Leadership Oriented to a Strategic, Inclusive and Integrative Management of the Universities of the Caribbean

About the training:

The training is oriented to strengthen the leadership of higher university managers in the Caribbean through an active, dynamic, and strategic role, allowing their development in the current position and growth to occupy positions of greater responsibility; also, it contributes to the long-term development of its institutions and the implementation of an ethical, inclusive and socially responsible management. The main objectives of the training in the Dominican Republic are: 1. To develop in the participants the capacity to understand their context and environment, and how this affects their strategic vision, their decisions, and the direction of their area in the University; 2. To induce the participant to self-knowledge, by self-assessment of their leadership skills, and promote improvement actions for their personal and professional development based on the results of their evaluation; 3. To strengthen the participants' soft skills, specifically leadership skills: strategic thinking, communication, emotional intelligence, great commitment; 4. To ensure that managers lead their teams towards the achievement of the goals of their areas and institutional goals; 5. To integrate in the participants the ethical and inclusive sense and the social responsibility so that they can apply it both in the management of their units, as well as in the behavior and actions of their team.

Expected learning outcomes:

By the end of the training course the participants are expected to be able to:

  • Visualize the external and internal variables that affect higher education in the world, its region and area of action, and how these variables affect university management in the short, medium, and long term.
  • Recognize personal strengths and weaknesses and actions or measures to exploit their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.
  • Improve leadership skills: strategic thinking, communication, emotional intelligence, great commitment.
  • Interact efficiently with the work team and follow up on both the achievement of strategic goals and operational work.
  • Integrate ethical sense, social responsibility, and inclusion in their own actions and that of their work teams.

Target group:

The target group for the training are managers or students in process of promotion, preferably from academic areas from universities from the Caribbean because they share some challenges of the region and initiatives.

Training dates:

  1. Workshop I:  19th November - 21st November 2019
  2. Workshop II: 2nd September - 30th September 2020 (Online)

Training committee

Leslie Young

University of Piura, Peru


Mónica Alatorre

UDLA University, Ecuador

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