Democratic Republic of the Congo - Proposal Writing
About the training:
The training aims to provide the young academics with methodological and theoretical support in the process of planning and writing research proposals and to promote the exchange of experiences in the field of scientific research of different disciplines.
Expected learning outcomes:
By the end of the training course the participants are expected to be able to:
- Plan and write a project that meets scientific standards.
- Develop a reasonable budget plan for their research projects.
- Have knowledge of the current research landscape in the region in Europe.
Target group:
The target groups are junior and senior research assistants at universities and colleges in the city of Kinshasa.
Training dates:
Workshop I: 28th May - 30th May 2018
Workshop II: 27th August - 29th August 2018
Training committee
Alokpo Dieudonné Musa
Donatien Olela
Mavinga Blaise Mbala
Joséphine Ntumba Kankolongo
Joseph Deli Tize Teri
Juan Guzman