Characterization and Strengthening of Quality Assurance Systems in Private and Public Institutions of Higher Education in Benin
About the training
The course aims to enable the selected participants from Benin's public and private higher education institutions to promote the implementation of quality principles in training, research, governance and community services. The global aim of the project is to promote the use of quality assurance, as a tool for identifying weaknesses and supporting policies for change and the progressive establishment of a culture of quality in the context of strategic plans for higher education institutions in the Republic of Benin. More specifically, the goals of the training include:
- Offering scientific evidence (policy brief) on the characteristics of internal quality assurance systems in Benin,
- Strengthening of national capacities in quality assurance in Benin,
- Strengthening of exchanges and partnerships between higher education institutions (HEIs) and different stakeholders,
- Professionalization of persons responsible for the quality assurance unit in public and private higher education institutions in Benin,
- Development of internal quality assurance (IQA) skills and quality culture in the institutions of the participants,
- Creation of a National Network of Quality Assurance Experts for the sustainability of the training outcomes funded by DIES-DAAD.
Expected learning outcomes
Specifically, at the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Describe the conceptual and normative framework for quality in higher education,
- Apply the principles and methodological bases of quality implementation,
- Drive the process of installing a quality assurance system in an ESRI,
- Manage an internal quality assurance structure,
- Use quality management tools,
- Conduct institutional self-assessment,
- Participate in a process of external evaluation, certification, accreditation or certification in higher education,
- Establish consistency between internal and external quality assurance,
- Manage an IQA Project Action Plan,
- Develop an institutional quality assurance manual.
Target group
20 participants were selected based on their score in the background in internal quality assurance, academic position and pedagogical experiences.
Training Dates
Workshop 1: 6th to 9th May 2024
Workshop 2: 23th to 26th September 2024
Training committee
Polycarpe Ulbad Tougan
Camel Lagnika
Laetitia Kpoka
Sébastien Tohoun