Cuba - Scientific Strategic for Research Management
About the training:
The main goal of the training in Cuba is to improve the efficiency of Cuban higher education institutions in developing successful strategies aimed at strengthening scientific project management. The objectives of the training are to increase the knowledge of funding sources for international, regional, national and local projects and to develop skills in designing specific scientific strategies focusing on scientific projects.
Expected learning outcomes:
By the end of the training course the participants are expected to be able to:
- Increase their conceptual knowledge about Cuba's scientific development policies.
- Gain knowledge about programs, projects and different types of calls for projects.
- Learn about opportunities to improve the scientific capacities of research groups in terms of human resources and infrastructure.
- Apply these concepts in a practical way.
Target group:
The target group included deans, vice-deans and heads of departments from three different institutions: University of La Habana, University of Informatics Sciences in Havana and Central University of Las Villas, Santa Clara, all of them from Cuba.
Training dates:
Workshop I: 6th February - 8th February 2018
Workshop II: 29th April - 2nd May 2018
Training committee
Arbelio Pentón Madrigal
Idalberto Herrera Moya
Beatriz Aragón Fernández
Joaquín Juan Marhuenda Fructuoso
Marianela Constanten Macias