Training of Trainers on Quality Assurance at the Program Level

About the training

The training was a follow-up project of the first NMT that the Department of Educational Quality Assurance implemented in 2018 to strengthen the capacity for developing minimum programme standards in Laos. The training of trainers on QA at the programme level was divided into 2 workshops which were organized in December 2021 and October 2022, respectively.

 Workshop one aimed to (1) train the QA officers of higher education institutions (HEIs) to be master trainers who would lead their institutions towards programme level accreditation; (2) identify the structures, processes, and practices leading to self-assessment, including the preparation, and writing of the self-assessment report (SAR) based on program standards; and (3) enable the participants to provide training about QA on the program level in their own institutions.

 Workshop two aimed to (1) present the SARs prepared by 5 pilot HEIs; (2) improve QA and national minimum programme standards, guidelines, tools for self-assessment and SAR writing for programme levels; and (3) improve the project action plans (PAPs) beyond the NMT project period in response to the national QA development and approved NQF.

Expected learning outcomes

After the training, the participants are expected to be able to

  • develop QA and national minimum programme stardards,
  • identify and apply best practices of self-assessment,
  • develop guidelines and tools for self-assessment and draft a SAR,
  • review and assess SAR.

Target group

20 participants from 5 HEIs (4 from each) attended the two workshops and were fully engaged in the implementation of the PAPs. Potential applicants were heads of quality assurance units or quality assurance officers from (I) Faculty of Business Management, National University of Laos; (II) Institute of Banking; (III) Institute of Economics and Finance, Dongkhamxang; (IV) Sengsavanh Institute of Business; and (V) Rattana Institute of Business Administration.

Training dates

  1. Workshop I: 16th - 21st December 2021
  2. Workshop II: 10th - 12th October 2021

Training committee

Panya Chanthavong

Sunnti Duangtavanh

Souphanhsai Singthammavong

Thanongsack Duangdala

« Trainings overview
