Internationalization Strategies to Improve Higher Education Institutions Academic Quality
About the training:
This training was created to develop knowledge and skills to design and apply a relevant international strategy in the participants’ universities, to increase academic quality through the use of Project Management.
Expected learning outcomes:
By the end of the training course the participants are expected to be able to:
- Provide participants with skills in project management and internationalization affairs effectively and efficiently.
- Learn the best practices and strategies on internationalization from different universities in the country from the other participants, as well as the regional and local experts.
Target group:
- 184 Technological and Polytechnic Universities in México.
- Heads of Internationalization Department/ Academic Directors / Coordinators of Educational Programs / Liaison Directors/External Relations Dean's / Research Directors.
Training dates:
Preparation Phase: 21st February - 18th March 2022
Workshop I; 22nd March - 25th March 2022
Implementation Phase: April – August 2022
Workshop II: 26th September - 28th September 2022
Training committee
Adriana Veraza
María Medina
Flora Mercader
Gabriela Zamarrón-Pérez