Guinea - National Multiplication Workshop in Internal Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Research Institutions and Vocational Training Institutions

About the training:

The aim of the national multiplication workshop on internal quality assurance is to strengthen the participants' capacities by intensive exchange focusing on practice. The training aims to provide learners with basic knowledge about the structures and processes of an organization and the idea to set up quality assurance structures in their institution. It deals with the concepts of quality assurance and tools and procedures for quality assurance. Participants have to develop an individual project action plan about a purpose in their institution, which they have to realize with defined activities and resources during the workshop period.

Expected learning outcomes:

By the end of the training course the participants are expected to be able to:

  • Understand mechanisms to set up quality assurance structures in their institutions.
  • Elaborate sheets of quality procedures.
  • Design a cartography (mapping) of the main processes of the institutions (training, research and community outreach).

Target group:

The target group consists of 32 teacher-researchers and researchers from 17 higher education institutions, a research center and the ANAQ.

Training dates:

  1. Workshop I:  25th November - 27th November 2019

  2. Workshop II: 28th September - 29th September 2020

Training committee

Kabiné Oulare

Oulimata Sarr


Solveig Randhahn

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