You Lead Indonesia: Managing Change and Sustainability in Kampus Merdeka


About the training

  You Lead Indonesia (Young University Leaders in Indonesia) was a multiplication program of DIES trainings for university leadership and management. The theme of the training was "Managing Change and Sustainability in the Framework of Kampus Merdeka: Transformative Leadership for Indonesian Young University Leaders." Activities were carried out in stages consisting of 2 offline workshops in Surabaya (November 2023) and Bandung (July 2024) as well as online training sessions in February, April and June 2024. One of the outputs of You Lead Indonesia are 25 Project Action Plans (PAPs) which were designed and implemented by participants in response to the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka policy. Participants worked on their PAPs since the first offline training in Surabaya and reported their progress during the online sessions. They presented the results and implementation of their PAPs in the offline training session in Bandung reflecting how the participants, as Young University Leaders, have been equipped with the skills and knowledge of management and leadership in the tertiary context to answer the challenges of higher education in Indonesia.


Expected learning outcomes

The training aimed at:

  • Developing leadership skills while contextualizing those skills with the culture and policies of the Indonesian Higher Education system (cultural customization), particularly in the context of Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka (Emancipated Learning).
  • Developing the knowledge and skills needed (governance, change management, conflict management and project management) for young academics who have been appointed as university or faculty leaders to focus on sustainability in their endeavours - teaching, research, and services (the Indonesian Tridharma).
  • Facilitating participants to design a PAP (Project Action Plan) under the guidance of the experts and trainer team that will be implemented in their home institution to amplify sustainability in Indonesian HEI in the context of Kampus Merdeka.



Target group

25 participants under 45 years old were selected among university personnel at:

  • the university level: directors of international office and academic and/or student affairs, 
  • the faculty level: vice deans and managers of academic and/or student affairs,
  • and heads of department/study programs (undergraduate programs), and international office units.


Training Dates

Workshop 1: 22nd to 24th November 2023

Workshop 2: 29th July to 1st August 2024


Training committee

Yuli Rahmawati

Shuri Mariasih Gietty Tambunan

Condro Wibowo

Indira Prabasari

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