Nana Aba Appiah Amfo


Professor Nana Aba A. Amfo is Professor of Linguistics and currently the Vice-Chancellor, University of Ghana. She obtained her B.A. (Linguistics and French) from the University of Ghana. Both her MPhil and PhD (Linguistics) are from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.  Prof. Amfo is a Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences, African Humanities Program of the American Council of Learned Societies’ (ACLS). She is also a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Services) Alumna, and a Commonwealth Professional Fellow. She has been a facilitator of several capacity building workshops nationally and continues to serve as a mentor for younger academics.

Training's expertise

  • Academic Leadership

Spoken languages

  • English

Country of residence

  • Ghana

In the training committee of


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