Leenawaty Limantara


Dr. Limantara is Rector at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia. She obtained Master and Ph.D degrees in Chemistry (1998) from Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan and conducted her postdoctoral fellowship at Ludwig Maximillian Universität München, Germany in 2001 and 2004 under DAAD fellowship and Georg Foster Fellowship of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany.  She was Humboldt Ambassador Scientist of AvH for Indonesia from 2011-2017. Dr. Limantara has received prestigious awards, including Humboldt Alumni Award (2018), Toray Science & Technology Award (2005) from the Indonesia Toray Foundation, and 2nd National best lecturer from Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (2004).  Now, she is the Regional Expert and trainer of DAAD DIES ProGRANT (2014-now), Deputy Chair of the Tridarma Division of the Association of Private Higher Education of Indonesia (APTISI) Region IV-B Banten Province (2017-2022) and Deputy Chair for Internationalization, Association of Indonesian Lecturer, Banten Province (2019-2024).

Training's expertise

  • Quality Assurance
  • Proposal Writing
  • Academic Leadership

Spoken languages

  • English

Country of residence

  • Indonesia

In the training committee of


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