Adrián F. Gil


Adrián F. Gil, Ph.D. Obtained Master and Ph.D on electrochemistry at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Iztapalapa México D.F.  through a scholarship from the Mexican government. He was honoured with the medal for academic excellence for his outstanding performance at the master and Ph.D. level.  He worked as a researcher at the “Center of research and technological development in electrochemistry” (Cideteq) Querétaro, México, where he worked on projects dealing with water treatment and water potabilization using electrochemical methods.  Since 2002 he has worked at Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG) first as Head of the Department of Chemistry and from 2007 as Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Humanities. He participated in the UNISTAFF program at Witzenhausen and in the International Deans course thanks to the sponsorship of DAAD.

Training's expertise

  • Academic Leadership

Spoken languages

  • English
  • Spanish

Country of residence

  • Guatemala

In the training committee of


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