Kabiné Oulare


Former teacher-researcher at Julius Nyerere University in Kankan (UJNK). In 2003 obtained a PhD in joint supervision with the University of Antwerp. Has held the positions of Head of Chair of Biology, Head of Department of Biology, Responsible for Cooperation, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Vice-Rector in charge of Studies. Published 36 scientific articles, including 15 in international journals, promoted to the rank of University Professor in 2015. Promoted to the rank of Knight of the International Order of Academic Palms of CAMES in 2015. Quality Assurance Expert. Hold a TrainIQAfrica 2016 certificate, two trainer training certificates (Universities of Saarland and Potsdam). As an alumnus of DAAD obtained in 2016 and 2018 the funding of two NMT projects on an international competitive basis. Since October 30, 2017, Executive Secretary of the National Quality Assurance Authority in Education, Training and Research (ANAQ) of the Republic of Guinea.

Training's expertise

  • Quality Assurance

Spoken languages

  • French

Country of residence

  • Guinea

In the training committee of


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